Experimenting with N management after cover crops

Corn production systems

Objectives of the project

The hypothesis of this project is that digital agronomy tools can make it easier and less risky for farmers to experiment with nitrogen management and cover crops in corn production. By providing useful data, helping organize it, and analyzing the results, these tools aim to support farmers in making better decisions.

The specific objectives are to 

What's in it for farmers?

Enhanced Insights: Collecting additional agronomic and contextual data (e.g., soil maps, weather, remote sensing) will provide deeper understanding of experiment results.

Expert Support: Farmers will receive assistance from data science and agronomy experts to organize and analyze their experiment data, generating farm-specific digital evidence.

Collaborative Learning: Pooling data from a network of farms (10 or more) will contextualize outcomes across diverse conditions, making unreplicated experiments more interpretable.

Explainable Outcomes: Even unexpected results (e.g., lower yields) will offer learning opportunities, as the additional support helps explain unforeseen outcomes.

We are currently recruiting new experiments for the 2025 season. We will adjust to your way of experimenting and we can help design your experiment. Fill out the Experiment Card to register your experiment. We will then contact you to discuss what samples should be collected.

We currently have resources to support your experiment. Sign up now to benefit from samples collected on your own experiment. The link will be disabled when all samples will have been claimed.

Soil samples

You may need information on soil N content to support and inform your experiment. We have 60 soil samples available for this project. This means that we can visit your farm, collect the samples and send them for analysis. Sampling location, timing, and specific analysis will be decided with you to support your experiment.

Biomass samples

Similarly, you may need information on biomass N concentration to support and inform your experiment. We have 100 biomass samples available for this project. This means that we can visit your farm, collect the samples and send them for analysis. Sampling location, timing, and specific analysis will be decided with you to support your experiment.

Drone flight

The Farmers DataLab has a fixed wing drone that can be used to support your experiment. If you think that drone imagery may be useful to interpret your experiment's results, we have 12 flights available for Season 2025.


This project is funded by the NYCSGA and from the Cornell Agricultural Experiment Station from Oct. 2024 to Oct. 2025.