Practical Guides and Handouts
Farmer-centric On-Farm Experimentation Enhanced by Digital Agronomy
One-page OFE Handout
Dr. Louis Longchamps | 2024
Systems Research for Agriculture: Innovative solutions to complex challenges
SARE Outreach
Laurie E. Drinkwater, Diana Friedman, Louise Buck | 2016
Designing your own on-farm experiments
GRDC Precision Agriculture Manual
Compiled by: Garry O’Leary, Victorian Department of Primary Industries (formerly CSIRO Land and Water) Edited by: Jo Peters, Farm Works | 2021
A practical guide to conducting on-farm pasture research
Sidney Bosworth, University of Vermont | 2013
Guide to Farmers’ Crop Trials
Sidney Bosworth, University of Vermont | 2013
Farmer-centred innovation: adapting evaluation approaches
24th European Seminar on Extension and Education
Berriet-Solliec, Marielle, Pierre Labarthe, and Catherine Laurent | 2014
Soil and Crop Sciences Seminars
Louis Longchamps
Farmers will lead the transition to sustainable agriculture...
Sebastien Angers
The importance of agronomic design for regenerative agriculture
Simon Cook
How do farmers benefit from agricultural research? Can we do it better?
Louis Longchamps
Supporting the transition to sustainable ag with digital agronomy
OFE Playlists
Articles and Books
Research Articles about OFE
Lacoste, M., Cook, S., McNee, M., Gale, D., Ingram, J., Bellon-Maurel, V., ... & Hall, A. (2022). On-farm experimentation to transform global agriculture. Nature Food, 3(1), 11-18.
Friedman, N., Tan, Z., Haskins, M. N., Ju, W., Bailey, D., & Longchamps, L. (2024). Understanding Farmers' Data Collection Practices on Small-to-Medium Farms for the Design of Future Farm Management Information Systems. Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction, 8(CSCW1), 1-28.
Books and eBooks
Proceedings of the #OFE2021: here
Véronique Bellon Maurel, Nicolas Tremblay, Simon Cook, Myrtille Lacoste, James Taylor, et al.. Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Farmer-centric on-farm experimentation (OFE2021): Digital tools for a scalable transformative pathway. 1st International Conference farmer-centric on-farm experimentation (OFE2021), Oct 2021, Montpellier, France. 2022
Proceedings of the #OFE2023: here
Louis Longchamps, Simon Cook, Myrtille Lacoste, Ivan Adolwa, et al.. Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Farmer-centric on-farm experimentation (OFE2023): Achieving shared value proposition. 2nd International Conference farmer-centric on-farm experimentation (OFE2023), Online Dec. 2023, broadcasted from Ithaca, NY, USA. 2023